About me

I lost myself in space and time coding.
I always knew I would work with technology one day since I saw my cousin's PlayStation the first one from 1999 and my fascination with technologies only grew. So when it came to starting my life as a University student choosing computer engineering was a no-brainer. The problem is that at University I was not learning how to code and the curriculum at the time was outdated, that’s when I discovered online courses and decided to take matters into my own hands but with soo much to learn and no direction feeling overwhelmed was natural, but after discovering Udemy I decided to learn HTML and CSS. And that's when it happened; the spark I was missing ignited the instant I realized how much cool stuff I can build with these two technologies. Since then, I can't get enough. building stuff with technologies calls to all my passions; it incorporates creativity and problem solving and I'm allowed to break it to improve the code (in a separate Git branch, of course).

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